
“Ulysses” James Joyce

A book that is a real challenge for every lover of quality literature. The most significant work of the twentieth century, written in 1922, but has not lost a single gram of relevance and value for both researchers and readers. A voluminous and full-scale novel, the action of which is limited to only one day. Walking through the streets of Dublin, the protagonist Leopold Bloom at the same time plunges into endless associations and memories that branch out like tree branches and lead to new and new associations. The book contains many allusions to other literary works, historical and cultural events and even jokes of the time. Literary critics advise to make diagrams and tables when reading, to at least a little navigate in the vortex of events and associations.

It is rumored that “Ulysses” is exactly the novel that is worth taking with you to a desert island. After all, it contains hundreds of stories, many puzzles and hidden gifts. This book can be read for almost an eternity.

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